かもめ通信 - 花のあるくらし 草月流いけばな -

This Blog is updated twice a month at least, hopefully. Articles are Japanese style flower arrangement (Ikebana) related matters. Your comment (English or Japanese) is welcome.


April 29, 2020

<Materials> Japanese snowball(オオデマリ) Sunflower(ヒマワリ) <Next update> May 10, 2020</next></materials>

April 19, 2020

<Materials> Scotch marigold(キンセンカ) Tulip(チューリップ) <Next update> April 29, 2020</next></materials>

April 10, 2020

<Materials> Japanese pear(梨) Iris(アイリス) <Next update> April 19, 2020</next></materials>

April 24, 2019 

<Materials> Japanese plumed thistle(ノアザミ) Baby’s breath(かすみそう) When thistle appears in flower shop, I feel summer comes. How fast time is passing by! <Next update> Beginning of May 2019</next></materials>

Happy Easter !  

<Materials> Easter eggs made in Basel, Switzerland(バーゼルで作られたイースター・エッグ) Camellia(椿) Because we had the full moon on the vernal equinox day, the Easter holiday is end of April in 2019. Easter holiday is a moveable feast, and this</materials>…

April 3, 2019   

<Materials> Raspberry(キイチゴ) Dry vine of kiwi fruit(枯れキーウィの蔓) Anthurium(アンスリウム) Although outside is spring weather, spring flowers are not enough available in flower shops. It may be a transition phase from spring to early summ</materials>…