かもめ通信 - 花のあるくらし 草月流いけばな -

This Blog is updated twice a month at least, hopefully. Articles are Japanese style flower arrangement (Ikebana) related matters. Your comment (English or Japanese) is welcome.


November 6, 2019

<Materials> Dry barroom plant(枯ハラン) Nipplefruit (フォックスフェイス) Camellia(ツバキ) <Next update> Beginning of December 2019</next></materials>

November 24, 2018

<Materials> - Cypress “kujakuhiba”(クジャクヒバ) - Dracaena(ドラセナ) - Tutsan(ヒペリカム) Winter is sneaking up, and the end of the year comes soon. Have you started the preparation to celebrate the new year? <Next update> Beginning of December 2018</next></materials>

November 15, 2018

<Materials> - Anthurium(アンスリウム) - Linden arrowwood(ガマズミ) - Raspberry(キイチゴ) November 15 is the day of Shichi-go-san (Seven-Five-Three ceremony, 七五三) in Japan. Would you have any idea which flowers are appropriate for the ceremon</materials>…

November 1, 2018

<Materials> - Roselle, Hibiscus sabdariffa(ハイビスカス) - Cockscomb(ケイトウ) In autumn, many flowers metamorphose into fruits, seeds or nuts. Did you know that flowers of hibiscus change such beautiful dark red fruits? <Next update> Mid of November 2018</next></materials>